[Important Notice] To everyone attending the live event

A request to everyone attending INORAN's live shows and events

▼ Regarding etiquette and prohibited items inside the venue and during the performance *Please be sure to check and cooperate with the infection control measures announced by each performance organizer before coming to the venue.
*Reserving space within the venue (placing luggage, towels, etc., reserving more space than necessary) and cutting in line are strictly prohibited.
Please refrain from reserving space for companions with a later serial number or for companions who arrive later.
*Please do not place your baggage on the floor or in the aisles as it will obstruct passage and obstruct the view. Please leave your baggage in a coin locker or cloakroom at the venue or nearby.
*Please take responsibility for your own valuables.
*Photography and recording using cameras, mobile phones, smartphones, or any other devices is strictly prohibited inside the venue.
*During the live performance, you may be bumped into or pushed by other patrons.
Even if it is unintentional, if you bump into or push someone, please be considerate of others and speak up, be tolerant of each other, and enjoy the live performance.
*Please absolutely refrain from violent acts, acts that harm or threaten to harm others, statements that offend others, and harassment.
*The organizers, venue, artists, artists' agencies, and fan club office will not be held responsible for any disputes between customers or accidents that occur as a result of not following the instructions of staff.
Any disputes between customers should be resolved between the parties involved, and if necessary, the parties involved should consult with a police station or other public institution themselves.

▼Regarding health management *Please enjoy the live performance in accordance with your own physical condition and stamina. If you feel unwell, please do not push yourself and move to the back of the venue or immediately inform a member of staff.
Also, if you notice someone feeling unwell, please inform a member of staff nearby, rather than a performer.

*Please refrain from wearing large jewelry or high heels as this may cause unexpected injuries.
*If you have long hair, please tie it up, remove your hat, and be considerate of other customers.

▼Other requests and prohibited items *Currently, as part of our infection prevention measures, we are declining to accept gifts or fan letters at all live performance and event venues.
In addition, handing gifts directly to artists or to accompanying managers or staff is strictly prohibited.
*As it will cause inconvenience to the general public, lying in wait or chasing in public spaces (inside train stations, airports, on moving vehicles, on the streets, venues, commercial facilities, etc.), as well as inside or near the accommodations of artists or support members, is strictly prohibited.
*Please note that footage and photos taken inside and outside the venue, including the audience area, may be made public. Please understand this before attending.

If you do not follow the above rules and requests, you may be denied entry or forced to leave.
In such cases, we will not provide any refunds for tickets or transportation costs.

We aim to provide a comfortable environment where everyone can enjoy themselves with peace of mind.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

Zepp Live